We cannot lose hope in wake of the election results


For as long as I can recall, voting in my first presidential election has been an occasion I have anticipated more than any other milestone. Nov. 8, 2016, the date of this year’s historic election, became the first time Americans would have the chance to elect a woman to our nation’s highest office. Also on Nov. 8 was the 179th anniversary of the first continuing women’s college — Mount Holyoke — opening its doors. As we gathered in celebration around Mary Lyon’s grave to honor her and the history of our revolutionary school, the significance of the moment was intensified by stickers bearing the words “I Voted”  worn proudly on those among us. Casting my first presidential ballot for the first woman candidate for president of the United States while simultaneously studying at one of the Seven Sisters instilled within me immense pride and the belief that we had reached a turning point in our society where women could truly accomplish anything. 

Feeling Jewish in a world that doesn’t want you to


I hadn’t yet written about my experience visiting Auschwitz. It’s been five years since I traveled to the Auschwitz work camp and Birkenau death camps in Poland with a group of other Jewish teenagers. At the time, I was 15 years old and couldn’t quite find the words to talk about the experience.

A statement from Femmepowered

On behalf of Femmepowered, we stand in solidarity with our queer siblings of all identities and with all other groups who will be hurt by this election. For the next few weeks, we must act with a little more tenderness. We have to allow ourselves time to grieve and to process. However, after we grieve we have to act. We will need to find ways to organize and defend the rights that will be threatened in the coming four years. In the meantime, be gentle with yourselves and your peers and be safe. Below is the number of the Trevor Project, a suicide prevention hotline for queer youth. You are not alone, we will always offer a place to go for love and support on this campus. 

Trevor Project: 866-488-7386
f you are unable to call, you can text “Trevor” to 1-202-304-1200 for help.


A statement from Moneta

We know a lot of people are struggling today, both on and off campus. So whether you are a Mount Holyoke student, alum, staff member, professor, friend or what have you — we want to hear your thoughts. We will post everything on our Facebook/Twitter with your name (or not if you wish to remain anonymous). You can message us here, DM or email us at moneta.mhc@gmail.com

With love,
The Moneta Board

A statement from MHC PPGA

The members of Mount Holyoke Planned Parenthood Generation Action were shocked and heartbroken over the results of the presidential election. We, as students, advocates and activists, believe in open access to care and education as well as the right to feel safe and recognized in our communities, regardless of race, religion, sexuality, gender or country of origin. Donald Trump has promised to attack the rights and access to care that we hold so dear. Despite these threats, Planned Parenthood Generation Action will not stand down. We will continue to educate, advocate and fight for our rights.

Stop expressing hate, take action


The past 24 hours have been a steady state of emotional upheaval for so many of us. I, a white-passing American citizen, have been crying today knowing that so many people who have shown me nothing but love and kindness throughout my time here at Mount Holyoke are now facing the alarming possibilities of hate crimes, deportation of themselves or family members and maybe even an inability to return to this school after going home.

Clinton was the people’s choice — not Trump


Every U.S. presidential election, there is rhetoric regarding the Electoral College and the extent to which a vote actually counts. In layman’s terms, the Electoral College is the body that directly votes for the president. ‘Normal’ citizens, on the other hand, can simply cast their vote in support of the number of electors awarded to a certain party. If there is a majority of Republican support, the Republican electors are awarded the opportunity to cast their vote for, presumably, the Republican candidate. The number of electors for each state is determined after adding the number of federal representatives and senators to which the specific state is entitled.

Amherst athlete’s Op/Ed fails to address “locker room talk”


The conversation across the nation, sparked by our now elected president Donald Trump, has been about “locker room” talk — what it is or isn’t. The real concern is not that the talk in locker rooms be respectful, but also what this new president who has made comments disregarding the gravity of sexual assault will mean for the future justice for sexual assault survivors. I am worried for their stories — our stories — under this presidency. Will we be taken seriously or will we be treated like Trump’s alleged victims have been? Will we have articles supporting these women or will we get more articles protecting male egos in the midst of these women’s tragedies?

Islamophobia is just one of the many issues we face


Every day for the past three weeks, I’ve proudly worn a bright red hat emblazoned with “Make America Mexico Again” over my hijab. It’s garnered a lot of double takes, but I wore it in the name of a historically accurate joke that I thought would no longer be relevant after Nov. 8. 

To all minorities and marginalized people: you are not alone in this fight


For my dear friend Elaine Reed who died on Nov. 9, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. upon hearing the results of the election; thank you for opening our minds and our hearts and reminding us to live. 

Last night, over 4,000 miles away from Mount Holyoke College in a small Italian city, I crowded around a tiny computer screen with three Greeks and four Americans to watch CNN report the results of the 45th presidential election. With every state that turned red, the same people who hated the color of my skin since the day that I was born labeled all of the other portions of who I am as invalid and unimportant. 

We must understand that minorities, not whites, will bear the brunt of this election


I have been quiet throughout the election. It has gone so far that those closest to me took my silence for apathy. I don’t know that my opinions on the results matter because they come from a body marked by differences. Differences that these results have shown are not valued but vilified. There is not one aspect of my intersecting identities that has not been targeted by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

President-elect Trump has used fear & hate to antagonize minorities


Fear is all that has come to mind during this election. I fear for myself, I fear for other people of color and I fear for my loved ones. This fear has only gotten worse during the development and progression of Donald Trump’s campaign. The name calling, the accusations, and the stereotyping have impacted people on a global level. Trump is fully aware of the people he has hurt, but he continues to deny his actions and ignores others’ feelings. A president is someone who’s supposed to take care of a country and serve as a role model for its citizens. As many would agree, Donald Trump doesn’t fit these descriptions nor is he qualified. He has negatively targeted every possible community, including Muslims, Latinx people, Blacks, Asians, LGBTQ people, women, the disabled and immigrants. 

Antisemitism is alive and well in Trump’s America


Given the kind of vitriol the internet at large is wont to spew, going on Twitter is risky on a good day, but the day after this election, it seemed especially dangerous. Still, I felt I couldn’t sit in a box of artificial silence any longer; I had to see and engage with what other people were saying.

We must come together as Americans and find common ground


As the election unfolded I felt increasingly uncertain about the future of America’s national politics. All elections come with uncertainty, but this particular feeling was mixed with fear, sadness and a concern for how the uncertainty that follows this election will divide people not only over issues of public policy (as all elections do), but issues that are fundamental to people’s identities and life opportunities. I have not felt this way since Sept. 11, 2001. The events of that day left me with the same mix of emotions. I know this election is important to me because of this feeling.