Flannery Langton

Kylie Gellatly FP ’22 heats up the Arctic with new collection ‘The Fever Poems’

Kylie Gellatly FP ’22 heats up the Arctic with new collection ‘The Fever Poems’

Kylie Gellatly FP ’22 isn’t one for a backstory or explanation. “I’ve never even attempted to do this,” she said in regard to summarizing over a decade of time that led her to Mount Holyoke and the publication of her first book. For Gellatly, this is best summarized through her art and creative process. When speaking at the FP Monologues on March 23, instead of talking about her journey to Mount Holyoke or a key event in her life that led her to who she is today, Gellatly shared a handful of poems, all to be published July 16 in her book “The Fever Poems.”