Pratt senior Portlyn Houghton-Harjo and Dartmouth senior Tom Bosworth win the 100th annual Glascock poetry contest

Pratt senior Portlyn Houghton-Harjo and Dartmouth senior Tom Bosworth win the 100th annual Glascock poetry contest

Over the last 100 years, the Mount Holyoke College English department has invited college-aged poets and professional poet judges to the College to participate in the Glascock poetry contest. This year the judges — poets Hoa Ngyuen, Eileen Myles and Evie Shockley — split the prize and awarded it to Dartmouth College senior Tom Bosworth and Pratt Institute senior Portlyn Houghton-Harjo.

University of Massachusetts Boston to be represented by Elizabeth Roa Martinez ’24 at Glascock Poetry Contest

University of Massachusetts Boston to be represented by Elizabeth Roa Martinez ’24 at Glascock Poetry Contest

Elizabeth Roa Martinez, a senior at the University of Massachusetts Boston, has not always loved poetry. However, in high school, it became “an outlet for [her] mental health struggles and a form of art [she] fell in love with.” 

Mason Ryan Newbury to represent Suffolk University in Glascock Poetry Contest

Mason Ryan Newbury to represent Suffolk University in Glascock Poetry Contest

Newbury, a senior at Suffolk who is majoring in English with a creative writing concentration and a minor in philosophy, says that he has been interested in poetry since the age of thirteen thanks to Savannah Brown, who posted her poetry on Youtube when Newbury came across it. Poetry with a “tragic element” also inspires Newbury, who cites Plath and Keats as other inspirations for the way he writes his poetry. 

Ace Chandler FP ’26 looks ahead to the Glascock Poetry Contest

Ace Chandler FP ’26 looks ahead to the Glascock Poetry Contest

Chandler wasn’t aware of the contest before coming to the College and learned about it in one of their classes. “One of my professors brought it up and [it was] one of those moments where something just clicked, it was like, ‘Oh shit, I have this work and I think it’s ready, I’ve been working on it [and] putting it together and let’s just see,” Chandler said. “That’s kind of what guided me to submit and I feel really, for lack of a better word, blessed and excited that I was picked as the contestant and [am] super excited to be performing.”

Glascock contestant Portlyn Houghton-Harjo talks poetry

Glascock contestant Portlyn Houghton-Harjo talks poetry

Portlyn Houghton-Harjo, a senior at Pratt Institute, is “very excited” to be representing her school at the 100th annual Glascock poetry contest. After Houghton-Harjo had heard that the Pratt writing program had a call for submissions and decided to enter her poems, she was chosen for the contest.

Glascock contestant Thomas Bosworth discusses nature and poetry

Glascock contestant Thomas Bosworth discusses nature and poetry

Thomas Bosworth, a senior at Dartmouth College, always knew that he wanted to be a writer. He never expected to become a poet, but after taking a creative writing class he “was bitten by the [poetry] bug and couldn’t stop” discovering new passions and interests through his craft. Now, his work has made him a contestant in the 100th annual Glascock Intercollegiate Poetry Competition.