Eleanor Harris

Laura and Caroline: An Aquarius meets a Gemini

Laura and Caroline: An Aquarius meets a Gemini


At MoRomance, we’re strong supporters of the November rule, so it wasn’t easy for us to make a tiny exception for first-year Caroline* and sophomore Laura.* They seemed perfect for each other — and, in all fairness, it was Oct. 24. 

Hannah and Rose: “Are you here for the MoRomance thing?”

Hannah and Rose: “Are you here for the MoRomance thing?”


Tinder? Tired. Bumble? Boring. MoRomance? Magical.This week, we matched Hannah*, a sophomore, who described herself as “spunky, fun-loving and artistic,” with Rose*, a “silly but thoughtful” junior. On paper, they seemed like a perfect match. Both told us that they like dance, music and similarly wholesome activities. Rose called her romantic history “limited,” while Hannah referred to her own as some “friendly flirting.”

Ruth and Roswell: All is fair in love and Battleship

Ruth and Roswell: All is fair in love and Battleship


Cuffing season is rapidly approaching, and MoRomance is doing our best to help. We match students based on their responses to our very scientific survey, send them on exciting blind dates and report the details back to you.