SGA holds a chest binder drive for the student community

Graphic by Sunny Wei ‘23.

By Rebecca Gagnon ’23

Staff Writer

As its second major move in the 2022-23 academic year, the first being free menstrual products in the bathrooms around campus, the Student Government Association has introduced a chest binder drive for the students of Mount Holyoke.

On Jan. 26, the SGA president, Maille Romulus ’24, sent an email announcing the binder drive that would take place the following day. 

The email stated, “Tomorrow at 5 p.m., SGA will be releasing a pre-order form for chest binders which will be first come first serve, because we have a limited amount of spots.”

With this message, a link to the website gc2b was attached where students could browse the variety of sizes and colors available to prepare to place an order for a binder when the form opened. 

Historically, chest binders have been used by transmasculine and nonbinary individuals to make their physical body reflect their gender identity. In addition, binders were used for fashion, cultural dress and even religious purposes. The concept of binders has been around for centuries, starting with tight corsets used to accomplish a desired figure. They also have taken the form of simple fabric strips wound around the chest to flatten one’s breasts. 

Today, instead of fabric strips, there are many companies that produce chest binders for purchase. However, they are not always affordable. This is the problem the SGA at Mount Holyoke wanted to tackle to meet the needs of the College community.

“[SGA] wanted to get binders to people that wanted them on campus,” Romulus explained. “The Lavender Committee was in charge of doing it last year and this year they were not able to and so we wanted to keep the tradition going … we just had to find the funding for it and get people chest binders.”

The Lavender Committee is a division within the SGA with the mission “to celebrate and support the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans/Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic and other identities community on the Mount Holyoke Campus.” However, because the committee isn’t as prominent on campus this year and is unable to hold the chest binder drive, Romulus concluded that the general SGA would present it since she had previously had students reach out and request it. 

In addition, there was a specific group of students that Romulus was hoping to provide for. “We really wanted to center first-gen[eration] low-income students that wanted binders and wouldn’t have been able to get them otherwise because … they’re $40,” Romulus stated. “That’s an expense … and not everyone has $40 to spend, so we really wanted to center that group of people so they can have the care that they need.”

It has been Romulus’s goal throughout her presidency to create an environment where everyone on campus feels like they belong. Her approach has been to listen to all the needs of other students and assist them when able.

With this in mind, Romulus began searching for a company to partner with. Romulus asked around and received a unanimous recommendation from friends to use the website gc2b.

We really wanted to center first-gen[eration] low-income students that wanted binders and wouldn’t have been able to get them otherwise because … they’re $40. …We really wanted to center that group of people so they can have the care that they need.
— Maille Romulus

gc2b’s mission statement states, “Over the past three years, we have sponsored 100+ LGBT organizations and donated over 6000+ chest binders to be distributed to people in need. We’ve attended numerous conferences and Pride events, and we’ve collaborated with local and global organizations committed to positive change. Our core mission has evolved: we’re not only a brand providing gender-affirming apparel, but an active part of a movement.”

However, at 8:00 a.m. on Jan. 27, nine hours before the form was supposed to open for people to order chest binders, another email was sent by Romulus. In this, she stated, “There are some concerns about the safety of GC2B binders, so we will be purchasing binder[s] from another company, FYTIST.”

“I got feedback from people telling me that [gc2b] is not the best, and here’s some other [companies] that we should work with,” Romulus stated. “Most of the research that I’ve seen shows that the quality has gotten worse over time and so I think last year … we didn’t get any complaints from it, but this year, people that have purchased binders from the company have complained about it, and so it … was safe last year, but this year, not so much.”

“Some people already use [gc2b], and they said that the binders hurt,” Ellie Do ’25, the vice president of the SGA, added. “So we … switch[ed] to another binder company that they would recommend [because] … it’s better for you. I don’t know if there’s a difference in price, but [there] is definitely a difference in quality.”

The FYTIST website states that “Binding should not be categorized, it is an essential and fundamental need for some. However, we have learnt that this basic need is significantly undervalued.” 

Therefore, this company has been formed to provide this basic need to society. In addition, the website mentions concerns about safety, such as the risks and side effects of wearing a binder, if one can exercise while binding and how to establish a plan for wearing one.

Unfortunately, changing the company the SGA would order from on such short notice provided some challenges. Romulus explained that gc2b has all their products in stock, which would mean students would obtain the chest binders fairly quickly. However, many of the new company’s items were out of stock. Romulus swiftly concluded that she would rather wait longer to get more durable and safer binders than purchase ones that would bring discomfort and more risks. Although the company was out of stock, Romulus and the rest of the SGA E-Board members were determined to get the orders as quickly as possible. They continued with the drive as planned and monitored the website to see if the company restocked.

At 5 p.m. on Jan. 27, the SGA released the order form and students were allowed to order a chest binder from the website.

“After 30 minutes of opening the forms, I think we’re already at our limit,” Do stated. “That is why … they have to send an email out a day before to say ‘oh, this is happening. Here’s a form. This is a time that is happening. So you guys should be … prepare[ed] for it’ and once we open[ed] the form, only thirty minutes later it was out.”

Romulus immediately closed the form when they hit their maximum number of 70 orders so the SGA would not have to tell students “no.” In the following few days, she and the other board members continued to monitor the FYTIST website. 

“Tahin Osborne [‘23], the DEI officer, created a spreadsheet and … went on the website to see what was in stock and what wasn’t in stock,” Romulus explained. “So with 70 orders, they have this color-coded [spreadsheet] of ‘okay, this is in stock and this is added to the cart.’”

Through this method, the SGA was able to purchase 30 binders in the first batch which will be arriving around Feb. 15. The following 40 orders were purchased shortly after when they noticed the company had restocked. 

“We [Romulus and Osborne] were in [a] seminar and we had a 10-minute break and during the 10-minute break … I was like, ‘Oh, I wonder if … the binders are in stock,’” Romulus recalled. When she went on the website, Romulus saw that almost all the products were restocked and up for purchase. 

“And so [Osborne] stepped out [and] they called the company,” Romulus continued. “They spent the whole 10 minutes of the break from our three-hour seminar ordering the last 40-something binders.”

The new batch of binders will be arriving toward the end of February, with a hope of distribution sometime next month. Although it depends on the following SGA presidents, Romulus foresees the chest binder drive being held annually. 

“A binder [is] such a special thing,” Romulus finished. She stated how, in her friends who wear chest binders, she noticed a major difference once they started using them. “[It’s] just a confidence. How they think about things and something that … cisgender people have the privilege of not thinking about. Trans people, or just people that wear binders and nonbinary individuals, just are always thinking about [these feelings] and so I can just see how essential … a binder is.”

Student Government Association brings together new initiatives

Student Government Association brings together new initiatives

Free menstrual products are located in some bathrooms around the Mount Holyoke College campus for all to use and new job opportunities are available for student drivers to shuttle peers home from local hospitals. These are two substantial initiatives that the Student Government Association has introduced this school year, as of November 2022.

SGA Introduces District Senators To Represent Off-Campus Students

Poster by Phoebe Murtagh ‘21

Poster by Phoebe Murtagh ‘21

By Ansley Keane ’23

Staff Writer

On Sept. 21, a senate update was emailed to students that gave new information surrounding the structure of the Student Government Association and announcing the creation of District Senators. Typically, there is a Hall Senator to represent the residents of each residence hall in the SGA senate, but with many students living off campus this academic year, the SGA Executive Board established this new position. District Senators were created so off-campus students will continue to have representation in the SGA senate that relates directly to any concerns they have about their living arrangements. However, District Senators have not entirely replaced Hall Senators; students living on campus will still be represented by Hall Senators in addition to District Senators. 

Phoebe Murtagh ’21 is the chair of halls on the senate team, which is part of the SGA Executive Board. As chair of halls, Murtagh oversees Hall Senators and District Senators in addition to communicating with the Office of Residential Life, organizing Hall and District Senator elections and a number of other duties. In her senate update to the Mount Holyoke student community, Murtagh wrote that “each District Senator will function as a Hall Senator would, representing their constituents’ concerns relating to their living spaces (wherever that may be).” 

“We need at least a representative for off-campus students,” Murtagh explained. “That’s way too much work for one student.” 

According to Chair of Senate Jane Kvederas ’22, the SGA Executive Board decided to create the District Senator role over the summer. “We were trying to figure out what Hall Senators would look like ... given [at least] half the population would be off campus,” Kvederas said. 

The SGA Executive Board chose to create districts based on students’ last names rather than their geographic locations because, according to Murtagh, it was a clear and streamlined way to accomplish the task. Students’ last names are only one piece of data that the SGA Executive Board needed from the College. Using last names also allowed the creation of districts and allocation of District Senators to be as random as possible. Kvederas noted that ideas such as major and class year were considered as well, but the last names idea still had the least logistical issues. 

Additionally, Murtagh made it clear that if the SGA had created districts based on students’ geographic locations, it was possible that certain districts could have more issues that needed attention than other districts. Murtagh gave the example that students living in cities might have fewer problems accessing the internet than students living in rural areas and, therefore, determining districts by last name was “a better way to make a fairly even distribution for the sake of the [District] Senators if we chose something that didn’t have that connection effect.” The SGA elected 12 District Senators and, according to Murtagh, there are around 200 people in each district.

While the District Senator position is a new role, it is similar to the roles of Hall, Organization and Class Board senators. “As with any Senator, the main responsibility is availability,” Murtagh said. Kvederas added, “We want our Senators to participate in senate meetings as much as possible” and that “we expect them to pretty much do as much as possible without stressing them out.” 

The similarities between District Senators and Hall Senators appear to be by design. Murtagh shared that “it was important to me that students living off campus still have living-experience representation. … There have been a lot of issues that the administration hasn’t been able to predict ... because life is complicated.” 

Murtagh also stressed that some Mount Holyoke students have faced challenges that might not be represented by the kinds of data that schools would normally consider. Therefore, it is even more important for Mount Holyoke students to have someone who can call attention to their living space concerns. On-campus students had the opportunity to vote for a Hall Senator for their residence hall and a District Senator for their district. Murtagh explained that “it was still really important that on a hall-to-hall level there was someone to contact,” and that on-campus students need Hall Senators in addition to District Senators because they have specific needs as students living in residence halls. 

The establishment of District Senators in place of Hall Senators for off-campus students is another way Mount Holyoke has adapted to the challenges of the pandemic and a fully remote model. Kvedaras summarized the SGA’s goal for the District Senator role by noting, “We’re hoping that as many students as possible have the necessary support and coverage in terms of having their needs met and their concerns addressed in senate.”

SGA Spotlight: Committee Yourself Week

SGA Spotlight: Committee Yourself Week


Student Government Association (SGA) Committees are student-run focus groups that work to solve problems to plan and to regulate systems that enable the smooth functioning of various aspects of the Mount Holyoke community. In honor of Committee Yourself Week, the Mount Holyoke News wanted to take the time to feature a few of the many committees that are now accepting new student members.