No Waste, No Problem

Once COVID-19 hit, my zero-waste lifestyle started to fall apart. Suddenly, waste was one of the last things on my mind and maintaining this lifestyle became unimportant. Some zero-waste influencers, like Lauren Singer, @trashisfortossers on Instagram, felt the same.

Fat Acceptance Now!: How Fat Acceptance Is Being Spread at Mount Holyoke College

As the struggle to diversify beauty standards continues, a new focus on body image has developed, drawing public attention to the societal struggles of plus-sized individuals.

Movements devoted to the acceptance of different body types have reached points of contention as their messages diverged, creating two entirely separate campaigns with different goals. According to Very Well Mind, the mainstream body image movement, known as “body positivity,” was meant to emphasize the self-acceptance of your body regardless of external influences like the media and public opinion. However, many, including Phoenix Georgiades ’22, feel that body positivity does not go far enough in advocating for plus-sized people and has veered away from helping individuals with diverse body types.

Five College Dance Away Instagram challenge creates community amongst consortium dancers

Members of the Five College Consortium dance program are addressing the isolation associated with social distancing through the Five College Dance Away challenge. The programs decided to create a hashtag that would keep the members of the community connected through dance — #fivecollegedanceaway.

Open Call Magazine announces “quarantine issue” for second publication

Open Call Magazine announces “quarantine issue” for second publication

Mount Holyoke’s student-run art and literary magazine, Open Call, is taking advantage of the current circumstances of the Coronavirus crisis and the creative output it will inspire, putting together what they call a “quarantine issue” for their sophomore publication.

Mount Holyoke students take action before Democratic primaries

Canvassing for Democratic presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has become routine for Ella White ’22 over the past few months. She spent this semester talking to voters for the senator in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Students prepare for “The Big Broadcast!”

Students prepare for “The Big Broadcast!”

“The Big Broadcast!,” an annual variety show based on commercials, radio stories and music from the 1940s, has been bringing Mount Holyoke back to the age of swing for over a decade. Mark Gionfriddo, director and founder of the Mount Holyoke Jazz Ensemble and creator of “The Big Broadcast!,” worked with his student production team (Chris Cassidy ’20, Megan Ferrara ’20, Mara Kleinberg ’22, Anna Morris ’20 and Julia Sienkiewicz ’20) to bring this year’s show to life.

Nate Therien runs write-in Planning Board campaign

Nate Therien runs write-in Planning Board campaign

South Hadley’s Nate Therien has been an academic his entire life. But, after recent retirement, he has decided to try his hand at an elected position on the town’s Planning Board. He is running unopposed as a write-in, and exudes the confidence that one might expect from someone nearly guaranteed a position. Nevertheless, he continues to drive home his goals and plans for the town.

New LLC announced for 2020-2021 academic year

New LLC announced for 2020-2021 academic year

Learning Living Communities (LLCs) are a unique asset to Mount Holyoke residential life, and aim to provide support and community bonding between students on campus. They “provide opportunities for students who share common educational, social or co-curricular interests to live together in residence halls ... [and] explore their passions with a cohort of students,” according to the Mount Holyoke College website.

Students push for classes with labs to be worth more credits

Students push for classes with labs to be worth more credits

The difficulties science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) majors face, including courses with time-consuming labs and problem sets, have been long subjected to debate from students and faculty. This debate includes how much is being assigned and how many credits such courses should be worth.

J-Show entertains audiences with “Queer Eye” themed skits

J-Show entertains audiences with “Queer Eye” themed skits

On Friday, Feb. 14 and Saturday, Feb. 15, students from Mount Holyoke’s class of 2021 put on their annual Junior Show, a comedic series of sketches about the Mount Holyoke community. Commonly known as J-Show, the college tradition dates back to the early 20th century.

Two professors share their job, studio and love story

Two professors share their job, studio and love story

Leading up to Valentine’s Day, professor of dance Charles Flachs was in his office finishing a day’s work, while his wife, professor of dance Rose Flachs was at home, feeling under the weather. Illnesses have been sweeping throughout campus this February, but despite the stress and sneezing, the professors still found time to share their love story.

Missouri bill would censor and possibly imprison librarians

Last month, Missouri State House Representative Ben Baker introduced the Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act, or House Bill 2044. The bill states that “no public library shall receive any state aid under this section if such library allows minors to access age-inappropriate sexual materials.”

Professor Jessica Maier awarded prestigious NEH research fellowship

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has rewarded Jessica Maier, an Art History professor at Mount Holyoke, a fellowship for her work. The NEH is an independent federal agency that provides grants to various institutions and scholars for works of great importance in the humanities. Submitted proposals are subject to independent review.