Letter to the Editor: Mount Holyoke is failing its students during a global health crisis

Letter to the Editor: Mount Holyoke is failing its students during a global health crisis

To whom it may concern, as I sat at my desk in Creighton Hall, having just finished watching the college-mandated Community Care video prescribed to me by the Office of Residential Life here at Mount Holyoke, I could not help but think to myself how those had been eight minutes and 34 seconds of my valuable Black life that I would never get back.

Letter to the editor: A Letter to Lynn Jacobson

Letter to the editor: A Letter to Lynn Jacobson

Dear Lynn Jacobson,

I am very honored to be chosen for a riding scholarship award here at Mount Holyoke College for the spring 2021 semester mod 2.

I am currently a sophomore double majoring in computer science and mathematics, I work as a linear algebra teaching assistant and I am the class of 2023 Social Chair. Besides my schoolwork, I like to nourish my unconditional love for horses with riding classes, and I would like to share some aspects of my passion in the following paragraphs.