Senate discusses the new semester in D.C. program, growing student employment needs in SuperBlanch

Photo by Casey Pan ’18The Student Government Association senators gather in working groups in Hooker Auditorium on Tuesday night to discuss new semester in Washington, D.C. program.

Photo by Casey Pan ’18

The Student Government Association senators gather in working groups in Hooker Auditorium on Tuesday night to discuss new semester in Washington, D.C. program.


Last Tuesday, the SGA Senate convened in Hooker Auditorium for the semester’s second meeting. Student representatives shared a number of concerns and updates, but the main focus of the meeting was a presentation by Janet Lansberry, associate director of the Weissman Center for Leadership.

Lansberry introduced a brand new program through which Mount Holyoke students can study in Washington, D.C. for a full semester while still receiving Mount Holyoke credits. 

“Think of it as an immersion experience,” said Lansberry. “Instead of going to France or Italy, or a place where you’re immersed in a culture, students will be immersed in the culture, dynamics and politics of Washington, D.C.”

Students participating in the program will spend the semester on the campus of the University of California Washington Center, located in the midst of the nation’s capital. Combining coursework with hands-on experience, participants will have access to a variety of internships in government, policy, international affairs and advocacy. 

“It’s an incredible opportunity. Students will be meeting with Supreme Court Justices, members of Congress, public policy officials, think tanks, advocates, government officials and ambassadors,” said Lansberry. “The list just goes on and on.” 

Students who will be first or second-semester seniors in fall 2018 are eligible for the program’s inaugural semester. Applications for the next semester, spring 2019, are open to current sophomores and will be available in March. 

Two information sessions about the program will be held next week. The first is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 12 at 4:30 p.m. in Kendade 305, and the second on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 4:30 p.m. in Dwight 101. Students can also visit the website of the Weissman Center for Leadership for more information.

After Lansberry’s presentation, executive Board members Camille Gladieux ’18 and Marisol Fernandez ’20 gave a brief update on student employment in the new Dining Commons. Despite initial concerns about an impending shortage of student jobs within the new dining system, this semester has proved that the projected number of student jobs in the Dining Commons was hugely underestimated.  

Dining Services is actively hiring student workers, including those that do not qualify for work study, in order to bridge this gap. The application can be found on the College’s JobX site. 

SGA Senate meets weekly in Hooker Auditorium from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Next Tuesday, Feb. 14, Senators will present the results of their working groups.