Letter to my first-year self: Sally Ma

Dear first-year Sally,

You will hate snow. Really hate snow. Continue to take photos, especially of your friends. Don’t confuse homesickness with actual sickness. Go to the health center. Don’t let anyone judge you for eating ice cream for dinner (and for dessert). Eventually, you will need to stop saying “I think” and start saying “I feel.” Lowell High School will follow you around in weird ways.

The Fluff: (Not so) secret Mount Holyoke pleasures


There are many things I claim to love: cheeseburgers, books, tube tops, ginger ale, airports, lingerie — none of which surpass my love for Mount Holyoke College. As a self-proclaimed die-hard MoHo, you may be interested in how I find my ~bliss~ on campus. Or maybe not. Either way, let’s dive in to some of my not-so-secret Mount Holyoke pleasures.