On benches, branches, and bridges: coyote decoys continue to be misplaced around campus

On benches, branches, and bridges: coyote decoys continue to be misplaced around campus

Last week’s edition of Mount Holyoke News covered the recent tampering with non-lethal goose-repellent coyote decoys around campus.

These images display the unusual positions in which the Mount Holyoke community has discovered the decoys over the past week.

The Mid-Autumn Festival arrives at Mount Holyoke

The Mid-Autumn Festival arrives at Mount Holyoke

A recent event hosted by the Chinese Cultural Association invited Mount Holyoke College students to a Chinese celebration commemorating the end of the autumn harvest and celebrating the moon. On Sept. 29, the CCA held its annual Mid-Autumn Festival to observe the holiday, which takes place on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar. 

Campus coyotes reported missing, college staff takes action

Campus coyotes reported missing, college staff takes action

Mount Holyoke College students have likely noticed the addition of several new plastic canines to campus this semester. Coyote decoys were installed to “keep the Canada goose population to a minimum on [Mount Holyoke’s] campus,” according to the Sept. 27 edition of the “MHC This Week” newsletter.

While these decoys may help repel the goose population, they have attracted another population: thieves. 

Mount Holyoke News celebrates 105 years since its first ever publication

Mount Holyoke News celebrates 105 years since its first ever publication

On Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1917, The Mount Holyoke News published its first issue, making the anniversary of the publication's 105th year in print. Now simply known as Mount Holyoke News, the College's independent, student-run news publication has been in print for over a century. 

Community reflects on Danielle R. Holley’s inauguration ceremony

Community reflects on Danielle R. Holley’s inauguration ceremony

Though Danielle R. Holley had officially assumed her role as Mount Holyoke College’s 20th President nearly three months prior, excitement remained undiminished at her formal inauguration on Thursday, Sept. 21.

Class of 2027 candidates vie for presidency in All Campus Elections

Class of 2027 candidates vie for presidency in All Campus Elections

Sparking fervent discussions and growing anticipation within the Mount Holyoke College community, this year’s All Campus Elections have returned. The 2023 All Campus Elections are especially significant because of the substantial size of the Class of 2027 — 545 students were projected to enroll in the first-year class as of April 2023. 

“This was the right place for me”: Danielle R. Holley inaugurated as the College’s 20th president

“This was the right place for me”: Danielle R. Holley inaugurated as the College’s 20th president

With the start of the 2023-24 school year comes a new era for Mount Holyoke College, as President Danielle R. Holley begins her term as the College’s 20th president. Her official inauguration ceremony took place this Thursday, Sept. 21. In an interview with the Mount Holyoke News, Holley spoke on how she hopes to use her education and legal backgrounds to lead Mount Holyoke to a brighter, more progressive future that continues to empower students through their education.

Unexpected discoveries unearthed during geothermal project excavation

Unexpected discoveries unearthed during geothermal project excavation

Anyone who has stepped foot on the campus recently has likely taken stock of the various sections that are currently under renovation. Big changes are underway at Mount Holyoke College and some remnants from its past have been uncovered in the process.

Service Employees International Union members march through Cambridge for job security, better wages

Service Employees International Union members march through Cambridge for job security, better wages

On Saturday, June 24, a large crowd of custodians and their supporters gathered in Cambridge’s Galaxy Park to advocate for a strong union contract on behalf of the Service Employees International Union’s 32BJ chapter. The ensuing march served as the kick-off event for SEIU’s ongoing campaign to negotiate a better contract for 32BJ janitors before the current one expires on November 15.