“Wicked,” starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande-Butera, is a movie adaptation of the classic 2003 Broadway show of the same name, which is itself an adaptation of a 1995 book by Gregory Macguire. It follows the story of Elphaba and how she comes to be known as the Wicked Witch of the West. It explores the concepts of good and “wicked” and what makes someone such a thing. The film’s release was also accompanied by a wild press tour, which generated the viral meme of “holding space” for Defying Gravity, a phrase used in an interview conducted by Mount Holyoke College alum Tracy E. Gilchrist FP ’04 with the film’s two leads.
Students watch ‘Shirley’ in honor of Shirley Chisholm’s 100th birthday
As doors at Mount Holyoke College often seem to be when you need them most, the entrance to Dwight Hall was locked on the evening of Nov. 22. However, entry was well worth the wait: the building’s event of the night was a celebration of Shirley Chisholm's 100th Birthday, with a post-dinner screening of the 2024 biopic “Shirley.”