“Wicked,” starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande-Butera, is a movie adaptation of the classic 2003 Broadway show of the same name, which is itself an adaptation of a 1995 book by Gregory Macguire. It follows the story of Elphaba and how she comes to be known as the Wicked Witch of the West. It explores the concepts of good and “wicked” and what makes someone such a thing. The film’s release was also accompanied by a wild press tour, which generated the viral meme of “holding space” for Defying Gravity, a phrase used in an interview conducted by Mount Holyoke College alum Tracy E. Gilchrist FP ’04 with the film’s two leads.
Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield’s chemistry shines in “We Live in Time”
“We Live in Time” poses an unusual meet-cute: accidentally hitting your future soulmate with your car as he drops his chocolate while crossing a busy highway. This new romance film, starring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh and directed by John Crowley, interweaves humor and tear-jerking moments, ultimately emphasizing a reminder that our time together is finite.
Audrey Hanan ’28 discusses Jorge oil paintings, and her future in art
After only three days of being on campus, Audrey Hanan ’28 sat down in her Pearsons Hall dorm room and painted Jorge, Mount Holyoke College’s unofficial pilgrim goose mascot. Unbeknownst to her, her artwork would become a campus-wide sensation and lead to a business selling prints of both the beloved goose and campus locations she had painted.