Graphic by Trinity Kendrick ‘21
By Rose Cohen ’22
Staff Writer & Photographer
1. You’ve just finished your first week of Zoom classes after your month-long December break. What are you doing on Friday night?
1. Staying over at your parent’s house.
2. Yearning for your crush. You’re wondering how their hair looks so good every day; it falls into place like dominoes.
3. Meeting up with a close friend for a glass of rosé and a plate of fettuccine alfredo.
4. Stargazing.
5. Crying in the shower.
2. It’s movie night, and it’s your turn to choose. What’s your pick?
1. Nick Cassavetes’ “The Notebook.”
2. Michael Fimognari and Susan Johnson’s “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.”
3. Alfred Hitchcock’s “North By Northwest.”
4. Herbert Ross’ “Footloose.”
5. Stephen Chbosky’s “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.”
3. Which of these words best describes how you are feeling right now?
1. Nostalgic.
2. Nervous.
3. Vengeful.
4. Excited.
5. Sad.
4. You’ve gathered up the courage to ask out the cute person in your class. What are you suggesting?
1. Riding around in your car and exploring empty roads. Fantastic bops will be played.
2. Going to the beach, listening to the ocean waves and drawing pictures of one another.
3. Listening to true crime podcasts and eating at Olive Garden. You’re looking forward to the unlimited salad and breadsticks.
4. A picnic! There will be sunflowers and fancy cheeses.
5. You’re not really sure yet. In fact, you’re thinking about canceling. The idea of staying home and binge-watching Netflix’s newest period drama, “Bridgerton,” suddenly seems much more appealing than putting yourself out there.
5. Pick a song from one of Swift’s previous albums:
1. “Back to December” from “Speak Now.”
2. “You Belong With Me” from “Fearless.”
3. “I Did Something Bad” from “Reputation.”
4. “Tim McGraw” from “Taylor Swift.”
5. “this is me trying” from “Folklore.”
6. You’re heading to the grocery store to pick up some quarantine snacks. What shoes are you wearing?
1. Slippers.
2. Wedges.
3. Combat boots.
4. Converse.
5. Knee-high boots.
7. What’s your favorite Swift era?
1. “Folklore.” Flannels and braids played a major role in this era.
2. “Lover.” Think of rainbow sparkles and finding love.
3. “Taylor Swift.” Swift’s self-titled debut album featured multiple songs about heartbreak and feeling lonely.
4. “Speak Now.” A lot of purples were involved in this era.
5. “Reputation.” In this album, Swift addressed her feuds with rapper Kanye West and American media personality Kim Kardashian. A black sequin romper became iconic during this era.
8. You’re thinking of painting your room. Which color are you choosing?
1. “Snowy Mount” white.
2. “Rose Petal” pink.
3. “Vintage Merlot” red.
4. “Nautical Star” gray.
5. “Quiet Rain” blue.
If you got mostly 1s:
“’tis the damn season”
You’re a high achiever, and the endless readings that come with the beginning of the spring semester are causing you a great amount of stress. To relax, paint your nails a fun color or set up a game night on Zoom with your newest friends. (The murder mystery board game Clue tends to create a fun environment!) Although it might not seem like it at the moment, a few of your acquaintances will slowly become some of your closest pals. Like you, they’re massive risk-takers who enjoy long road trips. They’re also constantly looking for exciting adventures. It might be time to create a Pinterest board detailing all of the places that you want to explore in the future. Create a Spotify playlist that reminds you of these thrilling destinations. Hopefully, one day soon enough, you’ll be able to visit all of them.
*The Mount Holyoke News’ Managing Editor of Content Flannery Langton contributed to the above section.
If you got mostly 2s:
“gold rush”
You’re very imaginative and artistic! Every day, you’re thinking about a new project that you want to begin, whether it’s a still life painting or a short story about dinosaurs. Since you’re a hopeless romantic, love is often a theme in your creative work. You dream about the day you will fall in love with someone who laughs at all of your awful puns. You don’t like getting nervous around people who intimidate you, but you can’t help the fact that you blush a lot.
If you got mostly 3s:
“no body, no crime” (feat. HAIM)
Let’s be honest, you were probably a huge fan of Swift’s legendary angsty single “Picture to Burn” from her first album. If you became a fan of Swift later in life, you probably lost your mind over her sixth album, “Reputation.” You are unafraid to speak your mind, and people envy how straightforward you are. You’re a bit suspicious of others because you have been blindsided in the past, but you have the greatest friends. Seriously, they always have your back! You enjoy talking about your favorite conspiracy theories with them (this usually goes on for hours). You’re the friend who’s most likely to host a murder mystery game.
If you got mostly 4s:
“cowboy like me”
You hate capitalism, so you never order packages from Amazon. Instead, you support local businesses. Most of the owners know your name by now. When you’re not hating on Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, you’re trying to spend as much time as you can outside. You love going for walks through forests at night, finding new hiking trails and biking around your neighborhood. You’re very mysterious, and your friends are constantly trying to figure out what you’re thinking. You almost never tell people how you’re really feeling because you love acting like the main character of a Netflix show. People are always complimenting your graphic T-shirts, and that makes you feel very cool.
If you got mostly 5s:
“tolerate it”
You deserve a hug! You’re a bit sad right now, so you’re listening to a lot of heartbreaking songs by indie rocker Phoebe Bridgers. You are a great listener, which often leads to you becoming the “therapist” in your group of friends. If you can make your pals feel better, you always will. You are a very intuitive person and always know what others are thinking. You have the ability to brighten up everyone’s day. Overall, you’re an amazing human being who deserves a hot bubble bath and a cup of your favorite tea. Don’t forget to take care of yourself this weekend. You’ve earned a relaxing couple of days.