Kinsey Ratzman

The curious case of the gynandromorph

The curious case of the gynandromorph


A cardinal spotted in January by a resident of Erie, Pennsylvania was different than most. According to an article published by the New York Times titled “A Rare Bird Indeed: A Cardinal That’s Half Male, Half Female,” this bird, which displayed both male and female sex characteristics, is known as a bilateral gynandromorph. Its left side appears to be the tawny brown of a female, while its right side displays the vivid scarlet of a male cardinal.

App under investigation by Apple for possible human rights violation

App under investigation by Apple for possible human rights violation


As of February 2019, an app allowing men to prohibit women under their guardianship from leaving the country of Saudi Arabia has been downloaded 4.2 million times. Absher is a smartphone app available to citizens and residents of Saudi Arabia, providing them access to a number of governmental services.

UN releases landmark climate change report

UN releases landmark climate change report


Two weeks ago, the United Nations released a landmark report on the near future effects of climate change. According to an article published in the New York Times, the study predicts that, with its current trajectory, the planet will experience an overall temperature increase of 2.7 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2040, and possibly sooner. While many climate scientists previously assumed that the most devastating effects of climate change would not occur until the planet’s temperature reached 3.6 degrees above pre-industrial levels, this study suggests that these effects will occur with a 2.7 degree increase.

Cosmetics are full of unlabeled dangerous toxins

Cosmetics are full of unlabeled dangerous toxins


While many college students rush to get ready in the morning, chances are the ingredients in their cosmetic products are the last thing on their minds — they’re concerned about putting it on their faces and making it to class on time. Paying attention to ingredient lists may seem like an unnecessary and tedious task, but ignoring it could have repercussions. Earlier this month, CNN reported that animal waste was one of the many toxins found in counterfeit makeup, or makeup produced to imitate brand name products.

Pacific Garbage Patch is larger than initially thought

Pacific Garbage Patch is larger than initially thought


A new study published in the Scientific Journal estimates that the total area of the so-called “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” is anywhere from four to 16 times as large as originally thought, according to The New York Times. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the world’s largest floating “junkyard” of trash, where plastics and other objects accumulate in mass quantities.

The national opioid epidemic spreads west, claiming lives in Pioneer Valley

The national opioid epidemic spreads west, claiming lives in Pioneer Valley


The U.S. is facing the most lethal opioid crisis in its history. Between 2002 and 2016, the number of deadly overdoses related to heroin increased by 533 percent nationwide, according to CNN.