National Women's History Month

Women’s History Month: Jean E. Sammet (1928 - 2017)

Women’s History Month: Jean E. Sammet (1928 - 2017)

For National Women’s History Month, the Mount Holyoke College Archives and Special Collections are showing an exhibit on female faculty in the sciences, from Lydia Shattuck, class of 1851, to Cornelia Clapp, class of 1871.

Jean E. Sammet, class of 1948, was an American computer scientist who was well-known for creating FORMAC, which stands for FORmula MAnipulation Compiler, the first computer language for symbolic manipulation of mathematical formulas.

Women’s History Month: Dorothy Hansine Andersen (1901-1963)

Women’s History Month: Dorothy Hansine Andersen (1901-1963)


For National Women’s History Month, the Mount Holyoke College Archives and Special Collections are showing an exhibit on female faculty in the sciences, from Lydia Shattuck, class of 1851, to Cornelia Clapp, class of 1871.

Dr. Dorothy Hansine Andersen (1901-1963), class of 1922, was an accomplished American pathologist, known for first recognizing cystic fibrosis as a disease and creating a test to help diagnose it.

Women’s History Month: Virginia Apgar (1909-1974)


For National Women’s History Month, the Mount Holyoke College Archives and Special Collections are showing an exhibit on female faculty in the sciences, from Lydia Shattuck, class of 1851, to Cornelia Clapp, class of 1871.

The Apgar test, developed by Virginia Apgar ’29, remains the standard test for the health of a newborn in maternity wards and postnatal clinics around the world.