Sonia Guajajara

Climate Activist Spotlight: Sônia Guajajara

Climate Activist Spotlight: Sônia Guajajara

Sônia Guajajara is a 48-year-old Indigenous activist, environmentalist and politician from Brazil.

Guajajara is known as the coordinator for Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil or the Association for Indigenous People of Brazil, according to Believe Earth. Guajajara also participates in larger world forums like the U.N. Human Rights Council and the U.N. Climate Negotiations to share experiences of Indigenous people in Brazil to a global audience, according to Indigenous Rights International. In an op-ed for The New York Times, Guajajara pointed to how climate change and the destruction of resources like the Amazon rainforest have begun “threatening our way of life” and culture.