
Weekly Climate News

October 29, 2020

  • Indigenous Mayan communities are suing the Mexican government over plans to install more than 1 million solar panels near their homes, a project that would require clearance of 600 hectares of trees from their communities. 

  • Vietnam prepares for Typhoon Molave, the fourth storm to hit the central region of the country in the past few weeks in a series of the most intense tropical storms they have experienced in decades. Currently, 130 people have been reported dead and 18 missing, and about 300,000 homes have been damaged or completely collapsed by the floods. 

  • The Trump administration has rolled back nearly 100 climate policies and rules in regards to clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals. Here is the full list. 

  • Ranchers and activists have taken sides in a proposed plan to cull the Tule Elk Herd in Point Reyes National Seashore, located north of San Francisco, California. 

  • Check out this list of key Senate races which could largely determine the future of U.S. climate policy. 

  • Japan announced ambitious plans to become carbon neutral by 2050. 

  • Fossil fuel companies are losing favor with investors, as many are turning toward the renewable energy sector. 

  • Poor air quality in Asia has been linked to billions of premature deaths, and a new report claims that breathing air in New Delhi can shorten life expectancy by more than nine years. 

  • A new study by NASA will look at how particulate matter in air pollution affects human health.