
Homes are no longer insured sufficiently against the increasing dangers of flooding

Homes are no longer insured sufficiently against the increasing dangers of flooding

The increased flooding caused by climate change creates a hidden financial risk for homeowners that the insurance industry is failing to address. A recent study from the First Street Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to quantifying flood risk in the U.S., found the current flood risk to homes to be vastly underestimated by insurance companies. The study identified almost 4.3 million homes with a substantial flood risk, and found if all of these homes were properly insured against this risk through the National Flood Insurance Program, insurance premiums would need to multiply almost five-fold.

Weekly Climate News

April 8, 2021

  • Flooding in Australia has forced over 20,000 people to evacuate and over 150 schools to close down. 

  • The journal Geophysical Research Letters published a new study that shows summer in the Northern Hemisphere is lengthening. As a result of climate change, by the end of the century, summer could extend by nearly six months. 

  • Pope Francis made an appeal for humanity to face climate change by quoting Shakespeare, writing, “To see or not to see, that is the question.”

  • Human activity is currently responsible for degrading two-thirds of Earth’s tropical rain forests. Read more about it here.

  • A NASA study has confirmed that human activities are shifting Earth’s energy budget, as more energy from the sun is being trapped than can escape back into space.

  • A recent experiment found that coffee pulp, left over from the coffee making process, can aid in the regrowth of forests. 

  • The Biden administration announced an expansive offshore wind plan that would install enough wind turbines on the East Coast to power 10 million American homes. 

  • How is climate change affecting major league baseball? Read this article to find out.