Mount Holyoke Students seeking vaccination exemptions must submit all appropriate forms to Health Services. Photo courtesy of flickr, photo by Dan Zampoga.
By Mariam Keita ’24
Managing Editor of Web, News Editor
In the most recent MHC This Week newsletter email, sent out to students on July 22, the College announced once again that it is preparing to welcome students back to campus for a full residential experience this fall.
Plans include a reversion to the 15-week semester system and in-person instruction. This is a departure from the 7-week module system enrolled students participated in during the 2020-21 academic year.
Students were also invited to register for a move-in time slot via Embark. Move-in will begin on Sunday, August 22 for Class of 2025, new transfer students and Frances Perkins scholars, and end on Saturday, August 28 with the classes of 2022 and 2023.
In addition to the regularly scheduled annual orientation programming for incoming first-year students, this year will also feature a series of “reorientation sessions” for all other classes.
As well as providing more detailed information about the move-in schedule, the email also listed three “core principles” of the College’s 2021 operation plan, including universal campus vaccination and personal accountability pertaining to health and safety.
The College announced that, “in support of these goals,” it will require all students and employees to be fully vaccinated. Those seeking vaccination exemptions must submit all appropriate forms to Health Services.
Additionally, the College will reinstate its indoor mask mandate on August 15, with plans to continue through September 10. Students and employees living in residence halls on campus must also continue participating in the asymptomatic testing program through October 8, and all other campus-based employees through September 10.
As of right now, the College has stated plans to release an updated community compact for both students and employees for the fall 2021 term.