
LITS team searches for solution to Wi-Fi outages

LITS team searches for solution to Wi-Fi outages

The first reports of campuswide Wi-Fi issues began to trickle in on Jan. 25, one day after the spring semester launched in an entirely virtual format for a two week period. Internet traffic was at an all-time high during the day as students across campus simultaneously accessed their courses via Zoom. Alex Wirth-Cauchon, chief information officer and executive director of LITS, stated in an email to Mount Holyoke News that approximately 4,500 devices were connected to the College’s wireless network during peak hours last week.

Senate discusses campus Wi-Fi issues

The Feb. 8 SGA senate meeting opened with a land acknowledgment by Chair of Senate Shula Mathew ’22. The agenda for the meeting included an info session with Library, Information, and Technology Services in order to discuss the recent Wi-Fi outages on campus. Senators were asked to gather with their commission groups at the beginning of the meeting to submit questions for the info session.