Casey Roepke

You cannot separate the art from the artist


There has always been tension surrounding the question of whether one can separate the “art” from the “artist.” I don’t feel comfortable with ignoring, excusing or condoning sexual abuse and harassment simply because the abuser is important to society in a different sphere.

Exclusionary politics have international implications

Exclusionary politics have international implications


In a speech on April 27, 2016, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump addressed his foreign policy as making decisions to “put the interests of the American people and American security above all else … ‘America First’ [would] be the major and overriding theme of [his] administration,” according to the Washington Post. Although his statement rallied a large base of support, its nationalist rhetoric is extremely destructive to the international system of collaboration and collective security. 

Orientation hits all the right notes for Roepke ‘21


Let me just preface this by saying: I am that first year. I wear my lanyard everywhere, with my free green flashlight from the move-in resource fair attached to it. I post pictures with my “best friends” the second day of knowing them. And I most definitely took a selfie with Jorge the first time I saw him (okay, also the second. And the third). So, as you can probably tell, I am absolutely the target audience for Mount Holyoke Orientation — and I loved every minute of it, from trekking up four flights of stairs with my mini-fridge to making stress balls during the Be Well workshop to having the alma mater stuck in my head for three days in a row.