Francis McKane

In ignoring the “basket of deplorables,” the Democratic ticket loses out


Hillary Clinton is the bitter pill the Republican Party needs. The right lost the culture wars, and while they rail against the liberal media, the rest of the country keeps happily consuming it. Women are an enormous demographic and a winning vote in this country. The white men’s vote used to be enough to win national elections, but it isn’t anymore. Hillary Clinton will win the White House, in part thanks to her 19 point lead among women voters, but also to Donald’s Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric that has alienated many non-white voters.

A vote for a third-party candidate is not a waste


People who plan to vote for third party candidates, such as Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, are often told their votes are wasted, but not all votes are equal. Within the electoral college system, voters in swing states have a greater influence over the outcome of the election than voters in decided states. Decided states, such as New York, California, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and Alabama lean so heavily Democratic or Republican that they are considered uncompetitive. Swing states, such as Ohio, Florida and Virginia, are where candidates focus their energies instead.