Kinsey Couture

Critical thinking-based education should be valued

Critical thinking-based education should be valued

Secondary education prioritizes practicality at the expense of an education in critical thinking. At this extreme, education becomes a mad scramble for high test scores and other quantitative, yet superficial, indicators of thorough teaching.

Theft on campus creates distrust

Theft on campus creates distrust


Mount Holyoke’s students are supposed to abide by the Honor Code, which should allow them to trust their peers. This doesn’t mean their peers are always trustworthy. Among the recent rain spell, students’ umbrellas have been stolen left and right. Seemingly, the only solution is to post in a Facebook group and pray that someone may find or return it.

The Mount Holyoke Parents and Family group encourages “helicopter parenting”

The Mount Holyoke Parents and Family group encourages “helicopter parenting”


When arriving at Mount Holyoke my first year, I finally felt truly independent. It was a time for me to have more responsibility and be more confident in my own abilities. I have always been taught the importance of advocating for myself, but I have come to realize that not everyone has this experience.