Kinsey Ratzman

Casual elitism is still prevalent at Mount Holyoke

Casual elitism is still prevalent at Mount Holyoke

At the beginning of the semester, my classmates redownloaded dating apps to take their chances with people in the area. Looking over others’ shoulders, I wondered why they would almost immediately swipe left on community college students or young people who are not attending college.

The current call-out culture on campus is unproductive


Between studying for upcoming midterms and writing uninspiring papers, I spent my fall break watching MTV’s “Daria.” Since the show’s end in 2002, the character has been turned into an icon of absolute apathy, which is odd because the series clearly attempted to do more than exhibit her emotionlessness. Although Daria is presented as somewhat apathetic, with an “I’m surrounded by idiots” sort of mentality, she works to address the issues she sees in a constructive manner. If your animated hero does not recommend misanthropy, why should you?

A box of tampons shouldn’t be five dollars — it should be free

A box of tampons shouldn’t be five dollars — it should be free


When I walk into the new Grab ’n Go in Blanchard, there are plenty of items for purchase besides the full meal included with my meal plan. But what catches my eye is a tiny box of tampons for almost $5. I would think a historically women’s college would be progressive enough to provide pads and tampons, a necessity for many students on campus, for free.

Cis men are demonized on campus based on physical appearance

Cis men are demonized on campus based on physical appearance


As a bisexual woman, I often feel very torn about the negative perception of cis men on campus. On one hand, I feel very connected to the queer community and I empathize with the general feeling of wariness towards cis men. But on the other hand, I am in love with a cis man, and the fact that people on this campus judge him solely because of his gender identity feels wrong to me. 

Polyamory should be taken seriously on campus

Polyamory should be taken seriously on campus


One day, while my friends and I were having dinner, a friend of mine who is in a relationship said, “Oh guys, guess what? I have a crush on this girl in my class!” Even though I already knew he was polyamorous, his simple comment struck me. Throughout my relationships, I have felt a crushing guilt whenever I even recognized that someone other than my partner was attractive. Every time I have developed crushes on people while in a relationship, I pushed that person away because the guilt became too much for me to deal with. 

Millennials are the tech-savvy activists Baby Boomers and Generation X have long feared

Millennials are the tech-savvy activists Baby Boomers and Generation X have long feared


Scrolling through The New York Times website, I frequently see think pieces of a similar style about millennials. Although the specific topic varies, each of these articles seek to achieve one thing: to figure out who millennials are. Baby boomers and Generation X are obsessed with trying to define millennials. Whether it’s telling us we are the coddled and triggered generation, the technologically codependent generation or the generation with the most bizarre sense of humor, we have to be defined as a monolith, and more often than not, a negative one. Baby boomers and people in Generation X are also obsessed with asking what this means for them, and more dramatically, what this means for the planet.

In college settings, adaptation is inevitable

In college settings, adaptation is inevitable


When I was a senior in high school, a teacher asked me what sort of person I thought I’d be in college. I was confused by the question — she knew me and had for years. She’d written a college reference for me. Now, halfway through my first year, I am a completely different person and her question has more meaning for me. It’s impossible to avoid reinvention in college, because your personality is continuously being shaped by your environment.

SuperBlanch is overwhelming for students with anxiety

SuperBlanch is overwhelming for students with anxiety


With the announcement of the new Dining Commons, students were sent into an anxious frenzy. They took their worries to several social media platforms. I thought their complaints were premature, unfounded and dramatic. And yet, their presumptions were correct.  

Online movements should focus on assailants, not assaulted

Online movements should focus on assailants, not assaulted


Campaigns aimed at raising awareness of the common female experience of sexual harassment and assault have become increasingly visible in the past 30 years. Anita Hill’s 1991 testimony against Clarence Thomas originally opened the floor for survivors to speak out, and that sentiment has been growing since. The #YesAllWomen and #WhatWereYouWearing hashtags trended on Twitter in the past few years, along with many others. Most recently, the #MeToo campaign has gone viral in response to allegations, with CBS News reporting 1.7 million retweets as of Tuesday.