Maddy Ritter

Donald Trump, get my neighborhood out of your damn mouth


Jewish people make up about 2 percent of the U.S. population. Though a tiny minority of the overall United States, we typically exist in clusters in and around cities, both for our survival and for a sense of community. One of these clusters is Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — this is where I was raised as a secular Jew.

Queer sex event strikes heteronormative tone

Queer sex event strikes heteronormative tone


 As I walked into Mead’s common room, spotting a tray of cookies and a few of my peers scattered amongst the plush seating, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. “Peer Led Queer Ed” doesn’t sound like the kind of event I would usually attend on a Tuesday night — I was already pretty well-versed in the nuances of living as a gay woman. I figured we might cover some things that had been left out of my high school curriculum … maybe gay sex!  Instead, the “queer” sex ed workshop was completely lacking in adequate or accurate representations of the “queer” sex it claimed to teach. What purpose does the word “queer” have in the title of this workshop if not to describe its content and attract an audience who seeks out this information?