Natasha Nagarajan

Opinions on Marxism are shaped by common misconceptions

Opinions on Marxism are shaped by common misconceptions

Here at Mount Holyoke, students have the opportunity to learn about Marx from an academic perspective, contrasting to how he is portrayed otherwise in the United States, where Marx is framed as a boogeyman, especially by conservatives. However, when you come to understand his ideas, even just the basics as described by Tucker, Marxism begins to have some appeal because it was arguably directed, by Marx, at the working class.

'Freshman 15' instigates a harmful discussion on weight gain

'Freshman 15' instigates a harmful discussion on weight gain

This summer, before I began my freshman year of college, I found myself bombarded by college-related content from peers and social media influencers alike. Their advice ranged from classes, making friends, dorm setup, organization, grades and discourse on the “freshman 15” — which refers to the additional weight some students gain during their first year of college.