How to Stay Green in All the Pink

Photo by Trinity Kendrick ’21

Photo by Trinity Kendrick ’21

by Catelyn Fitzgerald ’23

Valentine’s Day is often criticized for its materialistic nature, asmillions of single-use gifts are purchased for the holiday every year. However, there are plenty of ways to have a more sustainable Valentines Day. Keep reading for a list of sustainable gift ideas.

Fair trade chocolates:

Instead of the average heart-shaped box of chocolates, choose a fair trade alternative to support sustainable small-scale farmers.


Plants are great gifts that can last for years, if cared for properly. Choose a succulent for a heartier option, and brighten up any room.

Cards made with recycled paper:

Rather than buying a generic card at the store, make a personal card using recycled paper.

Homemade self-care products:

Soap, bath bombs, and lip balms are relatively easy and cheap to make and they are more special than something store-bought.


Candles made with sustainably sourced materials make great gifts for loved ones. Keep an eye out for organic cotton wicks, beeswax, and minimal-waste packaging.


Scrapbooks are one of the most personal gifts out there, and by including items like ticket stubs they make use of what would otherwise end up in the trash. Use recycled paper and wood stickers to make this gift even more eco-friendly.

Locally made products:

Eliminate the emissions created from shipping products by purchasing gifts in local shops.

Charitable donations:

Gifts don’t have to be material to be meaningful. Donations to charities that help the environment and animals such as the Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, and the Natural Resources Defense Council.


Many organizations hold volunteering events on Valentine’s Day as an alternative to a traditional date. Bond with your loved ones by spending the day picking up trash, planting trees, or working on an ecological restoration project.

The easiest way to have a sustainable Valentine’s Day is to ditch the gifts overall and focus on having fun experiences with your loved ones. When you do wish to buy a gift, avoid single-use plastics and heavy amounts of packaging and look for plant-based and organic products.