Weekly Climate News

Feb. 25, 2021

  • The European Union has poured 440 million euros into failed or incomplete gas pipeline projects in the past decade.  

  • The United States has officially rejoined the Paris Agreement. 

  • Avalanche warnings have been issued for areas in Washington and Oregon due to recent rain and snowfall.  

  • A Russian gas tanker has foraged a round trip along the Northern Sea Route, marking the first time a ship has made the voyage across the Arctic at this time of year. The trip was made possible due to melting sea ice. 

  • The Perseverance Mars rover has captured pictures and videos from its recent descent onto Mars. 

  • John Kerry, U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, said there are nine years left to avert the worst consequences of the climate crisis.

  • Despite a damaged economy resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. had a record-breaking number of renewable energy installations in 2020. Wind and solar energy increased by 61 percent, adding 33.6 gigawatts of energy to the grid and producing enough energy to power about 11 million American homes for one year. 

  • While the Earth faces a looming crisis of animal species extinction, many animals that were projected to be completely eradicated have been recovering.