
Reproduce This! Introduction to In Vitro Fertilization

Reproduce This! Introduction to In Vitro Fertilization

The Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine elected to award the 2010 prize to Robert G. Edwards, Ph. D. In conjunction with Patrick Steptoe M. D., Edwards developed the process of human in vitro fertilization. The Nobel Committee estimates that infertility, a condition in which abnormalities occurring in both the male and female reproductive systems cause difficulty with conception, impacts upwards of one-tenth of the global population. Edwards and Steptoe recognized this reality roughly half a century ago and set about discovering the practice that, in 1978, allowed the duo to successfully make human life from a Petri dish, implant said embryo in a uterus, and guide their patient through a nine-month gestation period that culminated in the birth of the first test tube baby: Louise Brown.