A pap test, or pap smear, are common names for a Papanicolaou test, which identifies potential cervical cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Planned Parenthood recommends that people with cervixes start getting tested once they are 21. Planned Parenthood also explains that if you are aged 21-24, you can start to get routine pap tests every three years, or wait until you are 25 to begin getting tested, after which it is recommended to get tested every five years.
Reproduce This! Consent and Reproductive Health
According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 81 percent of women and 43 percent of men have experienced a form of sexual assault or harassment in their lifetime. For female rape victims, a majority of incidences were perpetrated by an intimate partner. Consent has unique legal definitions that vary in different places and contexts, but in general refers to an agreement between people to engage in sexual activities, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network.
Reproduce This! Introduction to In Vitro Fertilization
The Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine elected to award the 2010 prize to Robert G. Edwards, Ph. D. In conjunction with Patrick Steptoe M. D., Edwards developed the process of human in vitro fertilization. The Nobel Committee estimates that infertility, a condition in which abnormalities occurring in both the male and female reproductive systems cause difficulty with conception, impacts upwards of one-tenth of the global population. Edwards and Steptoe recognized this reality roughly half a century ago and set about discovering the practice that, in 1978, allowed the duo to successfully make human life from a Petri dish, implant said embryo in a uterus, and guide their patient through a nine-month gestation period that culminated in the birth of the first test tube baby: Louise Brown.
Reproduce This! All about menopause
Reproduce This! All about endometriosis
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the endometrium is the layer of tissue inside the uterus. The endometrium grows during each menstrual cycle to prepare for a fertilized egg. If no eggs are fertilized during the menstrual cycle, the endometrium is shed during what is commonly known as a period, according to Cleveland Clinic.
Reproduce This! All about STIs: prevention and testing
Graphic by Sunny Wei ‘23.
By Catelyn Fitzgerald ’23
Science and Environment Editor
According to an article from Planned Parenthood, STIs are “infections that are passed from one person to another during sexual activity.” The use of a barrier — such as a condom or dental dam — is “one of the best ways” to avoid contracting an STI, the article said. This is because they prevent genital skin-to-skin contact as well as the exchange of sexual fluids. Most STIs do not cause any symptoms, so getting tested regularly is an important way to prevent their spread, Planned Parenthood explained. The type of testing used varies depending on the STI but can include a urine test, physical exam or swab. Some tests will produce instant results, while others take between days and weeks.
STI testing is available at Mount Holyoke Health Services and is covered by the Student Health Insurance Plan, according to Dr. Cheryl Flynn of the Health Center. Students with their own private health insurance and the “prepaid plan” can also receive testing free of cost. Health Services offers STI screening for students based on “their sexual behaviors and the risk of infections associated with those,” as well as diagnostic testing for students experiencing symptoms of an STI, Flynn explained. Most tests cost between $20 and $50, with the exception of the Hepatitis B antibody test (around $65), Hepatitis C test (around $68) and the Herpes Simplex I and II test (around $330).
Those without the student health insurance plan will have the cost of the tests added to their Student Bill. Charges are noted as “health center charges” on the Student Bill, with no further details about the visit, Flynn said. Students are informed of their results, positive or negative, through My Health Connection. Health Services also offers STI treatment, typically consisting of antibiotics or antiviral medications which are often available on-site. According to Flynn, for treatments that the health center does not carry, such as HIV and Hepatitis C, patients are referred to a specialist.
World population surpasses eight billion people
On Nov. 15, 2022, as projected by The United Nations, Earth’s population reached eight billion, approximately 11 years after the global population reached seven billion. According to The New York Times, the global population growth rate is expected to slow in the next few decades. Countries like the U.S. and China are expected to have lower growth rates, while poorer countries are expected to grow faster, with India predicted to become the world’s most populous nation in 2023.
Tomato soup protestors instigate discussions about climate activism
On Oct. 14, 2022, two climate protestors from the U.K. activist group Just Stop Oil were arrested for throwing tomato soup on Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” at London’s National Gallery, a Vox article reported. This method of climate activism has instigated much debate, raising particular discussion around the use of art in environmental activism.