
Weekly Climate News

Feb. 11, 2021 

  • A flash flood in Uttarakhand, India, has left 31 people dead and 175 missing. The natural disaster has been linked to global warming in the Himalayas.

  • Developing countries usually see increases in air pollution as population and economies grow. A new study has found that Nigeria is expanding and becoming less polluted. 

  • A research study has found that climate change has produced longer pollen seasons in the United States along with more pollen found in the air.

  • Peat in Ireland has been found to help to absorb greenhouse gases and aid in mitigating climate change. 

  • Read about the environmental and climate change links to the farmers’ protests in India centered around agricultural reform. 

  • Research continues on the link between climate change and COVID-19. Read this article on the most recent findings. 

  • British scientists have discovered a way to recapture atmospheric carbon and turn it into jet fuel. 

  • Due to climate change, a heatwave including temperatures reaching 100 F in Siberia has led to wildfires and an increase in the melting of sea ice.