peat bogs

Weekly Climate News

Feb. 11, 2021 

  • A flash flood in Uttarakhand, India, has left 31 people dead and 175 missing. The natural disaster has been linked to global warming in the Himalayas.

  • Developing countries usually see increases in air pollution as population and economies grow. A new study has found that Nigeria is expanding and becoming less polluted. 

  • A research study has found that climate change has produced longer pollen seasons in the United States along with more pollen found in the air.

  • Peat in Ireland has been found to help to absorb greenhouse gases and aid in mitigating climate change. 

  • Read about the environmental and climate change links to the farmers’ protests in India centered around agricultural reform. 

  • Research continues on the link between climate change and COVID-19. Read this article on the most recent findings. 

  • British scientists have discovered a way to recapture atmospheric carbon and turn it into jet fuel. 

  • Due to climate change, a heatwave including temperatures reaching 100 F in Siberia has led to wildfires and an increase in the melting of sea ice.

Trees Are Becoming Less Efficient at Climate Change Mitigation

Trees Are Becoming Less Efficient at Climate Change Mitigation

At the end of 2020, the U.K government approved planting trees in over 100 acres of a northern England peat bog. Peat bogs, areas where plants have been decaying over thousands of years into soil that traps their carbon, can store twice as much carbon dioxide as forests. When the trees were planted in northern England, they effectively dried out the soil, causing carbon to be released from the bogs and ending the project before it was ever finished.