
England Locks Down To Prevent ‘Medical and Moral Disaster’

Pictured above: Big Ben in London, England. Photo courtesy of WikiMedia.

Pictured above: Big Ben in London, England. Photo courtesy of WikiMedia.

By Sophie Soloway ’23 and Aditi Parashar ’22  

Global Editor & Staff Writer

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Oct. 31 that England will be going into its second national lockdown to help limit the spread of COVID-19. The lockdown began on Nov. 5 and is set to end on Dec. 2. According to the BBC, England had 21,915 confirmed COVID-19 cases as of Oct. 31, bringing the total since the beginning of the pandemic to 1,011,660.

In his press conference, Johnson announced that the second national lockdown was the only way England could prevent a “medical and moral disaster” for the British National Health Service, reported the BBC. 

Johnson also said “no responsible prime minister” could ignore figures that suggested deaths would reach “several thousand a day,” with a “‘peak of mortality’ worse than the country saw in April.” Without the lockdown in place, members of the NHS would have been forced to choose which patients would live and which would die, Johnson said. 

This lockdown is similar to Britain’s first national lockdown in the spring, with spaces like pubs, restaurants, gyms and nonessential shops closing for four weeks. People have also been asked to work from home if their jobs allow. However, unlike in the spring, educational institutions like schools, colleges and universities are allowed to stay open during this lockdown. 

Leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer supported the second lockdown while emphasizing the fact that this is a decision the Tory government “should have taken weeks ago.” The Labour Party had been pushing for a shorter lockdown weeks earlier to no avail, reported The New York Times. 

The Print, an Indian publication, reported that Johnson was resisting introducing nationwide restrictions, even with growing pressure. Johnson cited “disastrous” consequences for the U.K.’s finances, calling it the “nuclear” option and instead suggesting a three-tiered system targeting local areas in England before announcing the new lockdown.

Shanze Hasan ’21, an international relations major, said, “While the second lockdown is important to reduce the burgeoning number of coronavirus cases, the delay due to the Johnson government’s resistance will mean a longer lockdown to counteract the rise in cases England has seen recently.”

The second lockdown also has economic implications. According to The New York Times, even in the spring lockdown, Britain was much slower than its neighbors in shutting down its economy, which led to the lockdown lasting longer than initially intended. It also saw one of the worst second quarter recessions in Europe. Many opposition leaders and economists believe this delayed lockdown is the government making the same mistake again. 

Amman Syed ’22, an economics major, said, “The projected unemployment peak numbers have gone up and economic growth has gone down. However, a lockdown in any country would see the same results. What the U.K. needs to do is focus on how long they continue to supplement loss of income so that when the economy opens up again, the jolt to the economy is not massive.” 

The U.K. is not the only country in Europe with rising cases. According to NBC News, Germany and France have both documented record numbers of daily COVID-19 cases within the past week. Italy, one of the countries worst hit by the pandemic in its early stages, has also placed new restrictions on citizens in an effort to curb rising cases. 

The New York Times reported that the Czech Republic, Belgium, Hungary and Poland have also seen a steady increase in hospitalizations, placing Europe’s hospitals at a shortage of healthcare providers and supplies. As the U.K. enters its new lockdown, many of its neighboring countries must contend with very similar realities. 

Abroad Perspectives: Astha Kiran KC ’21 returns from England


Photo courtesy of Astha Kiran Kc ’21Astha Kiran Kc ’21 spent her fall semester abroad in London, England.

Photo courtesy of Astha Kiran Kc ’21

Astha Kiran Kc ’21 spent her fall semester abroad in London, England.

Astha Kiran KC ’21 just returned from a semester abroad in London. As an economics major, she studied at the University College London — a public research university — and took liberal arts courses focusing in economics. 

What was the most memorable moment of your experience? 

At the end of term, I took part in the sustainable fashion show as a model and walked for creative student designers and prominent sustainable fashion brands in London. 

What was the hardest thing to adjust to? 

The weather! I thought New England was bad and then I went to England — it was honestly really bad. I got about 15 days of sunshine in the three months that I was there. 

Was there anything that happened that surprised or struck you as unexpected? 

How friendly and approachable the people were. Most of the people at my university were always ready to help and it was quick to make friends. 

 What was your favorite new food that you tried? 

I followed a travel blog’s advice and went to this super cute chocolate-themed cafe. I tried their hot chocolate, and it was probably the best chocolate-related food I’ve ever tried. 

What advice do you have for someone who wants to study abroad? 

It’s going to be hard at first and you are going to miss Mount Holyoke, but you will create your own happiness as you explore new places, meet new people and discover your own favorite places abroad. 

Any other stories or experiences that you want to share? 

While I was in London, I went to Edinburgh and it was surreal to see how magical the city was! I took a Harry Potter tour with a local guide and visited the grave that inspired the names of many, many Harry Potter characters.