
The Dining Commons needs plant-based options

The Dining Commons needs plant-based options

Jane Kvederas discusses the fact that the new Dining Commons does not reliably serve enough plant-based protein options to provide enough sustainable nutrients for those with dietary restrictions. While the Dining Commons is doing a fine job overall providing for the dietary needs of students, there are improvements to be made in providing for vegan and vegetarian students, especially when it comes to protein. 

A student weighs in on the Community Center dishroom, where working conditions are worse

A student weighs in on the Community Center dishroom, where working conditions are worse


On my first day in the dishroom, I was prepared to be completely destroyed by the work I was about to do. I’d heard people were dropping shifts because the work was non-stop. I’ve worked as a cashier and a dishwasher, so I’m not unfamiliar with fast-paced work environments that can drive someone insane if  unprepared. I filled up my water bottle, put my phone in my back pocket in case I needed to take an emergency “bathroom break” and headed to SuperBlanch. 

Getting back to Mount Holyoke’s roots: Support a garden education program at MHC

Getting back to Mount Holyoke’s roots: Support a garden education program at MHC


The roots of agriculture run deep in Western Massachusetts, dating as far back as the 1600s and enduring throughout the birth of modern American agriculture and community supported agricultural efforts in the Connecticut River Valley, according to WGBY.