Penelope Taylor

A Positive Mindset Toward Stress Can Have Positive Health Effects

A Positive Mindset Toward Stress Can Have Positive Health Effects

Even at the best of times, stress can be overwhelming, and stress management is often difficult. When confronted with a global pandemic and a complete upheaval of routine, it can be easy to let our self-care practices fall by the wayside as a whole new source of stress invades our daily lives.

Recently-discovered comet to pass Earth in December

Recently-discovered comet to pass Earth in December

A traveler from another star, a comet named 2I/ Borisov, was identified this past summer by Crimean amateur astronomer Gennady Borisov. 2I/Borisov will reach the closest point to the sun in its trajectory, its perihelion, on Dec. 7. at a distance of about 180 million miles, and will be closest to Earth on Dec. 29.

Postpartum depression often goes untreated

Postpartum depression often goes untreated


Today, the phrase “postpartum depression” is not considered unfamiliar psychological jargon. The concept of postpartum depression was first explained in the British Journal of Psychiatry in 1968, attributing depressive symptoms often experienced after birth to factors such as hormone level fluctuation and external stress. Postpartum depression is characterized by low mood, fatigue, poor concentration, loss of appetite and insomnia. It can be seen as a prolonged, severe version of “baby blues”: mild irritability, fatigue and anxiety that occurs after childbirth.

The Mars Rover: An Obituary

The Mars Rover: An Obituary


NASA’s Opportunity rover, more commonly known as the “Mars Rover,” began its life on July 7, 2003. Scientists have not made contact with the intrepid explorer since June of 2018, when it was buried by a dust storm.

The science of reducing anxiety with natural remedies

The science of reducing anxiety with natural remedies


Throughout history, lavender has played an important role in medicine and folklore. According to the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine’s website, Lavandula angustifolia, or English lavender, is the most common species grown and used medicinally. Its most common medicinal uses include remedying digestive issues, headaches, grief and stress.

The benefits of the Amazon rainforest

The benefits of the Amazon rainforest


After the recent election of Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, concerns over the future of the Amazon rainforest have emerged among environmentalists and indigenous communities. According to National Geographic, Bolsonaro has threatened to roll back protections of the Amazon rainforest, leaving it vulnerable to exploitation.

Self-compassion is as important as self-care for finals stress relief

Self-compassion is as important as self-care for finals stress relief


College students can easily feel anxious balancing school, work, friends and family while also trying to figure out the rest of their lives. For many, being on their own, maybe for the first time in their life, is difficult. Mix that with rigorous academic workloads and unhealthy sleeping habits and it can leave one’s mental health in a disastrous state. 

Sleep deprivation is detrimental to student health and happiness

Sleep deprivation is detrimental to student health and happiness


College students today are struggling to maintain good grades, social lives and jobs, as well as a healthy sleep schedule. This has resulted in many college students being sleep deprived, especially around midterms and finals, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.