
A Positive Mindset Toward Stress Can Have Positive Health Effects

A Positive Mindset Toward Stress Can Have Positive Health Effects

Even at the best of times, stress can be overwhelming, and stress management is often difficult. When confronted with a global pandemic and a complete upheaval of routine, it can be easy to let our self-care practices fall by the wayside as a whole new source of stress invades our daily lives.

A positive mindset toward stress can have positive health effects

Even at the best of times, stress can be overwhelming, and stress management is often difficult. When confronted with a global pandemic and a complete upheaval of routine, it can be easy to let our self-care practices fall by the wayside as a whole new source of stress invades our daily lives. The coronavirus outbreak has put a significant strain on the mental health of many.

Self-compassion is as important as self-care for finals stress relief

Self-compassion is as important as self-care for finals stress relief


College students can easily feel anxious balancing school, work, friends and family while also trying to figure out the rest of their lives. For many, being on their own, maybe for the first time in their life, is difficult. Mix that with rigorous academic workloads and unhealthy sleeping habits and it can leave one’s mental health in a disastrous state.